PROFUMO User Requirement Questionnaire
PROFUMO User Requirement Questionnaire
PROFUMO (Preliminary assessment of Route Optimisation for FUel Minimisation and safety of navigatiOn) is a Feasibility Study Proposal of the ESA (European Space Agency) Artes 20 IAP Programme, coordinated by VITROCISET Belgium, with the partnership of Consorzio LaMMA, Catholic University of Louvain and Forship SpA.

Overall objective

It is aimed at the characterisation of operational weather routing services, for the maritime community, based on the cooperative collection of geo-referenced meteo-marine data from the end user community of commercial vessels, operating on short-leg routes like typically happens in the Mediterranean Sea or other similarly closed basins.
The idea is to establish a cooperative schema by means of which meteo-marine data are collected from standard (and, eventually, non-standard) instrumentation on board vessels and acquired by a service centre. Such data are used in order to improve meteo-marine forecasting and nowcasting capabilities on a local scale.
In turn, improved forecast products shall enable the realisation of “weather routing” services for the maritime community.
With the term “weather routing services” we intend a category of services aimed at planning and dynamically optimising ship routes on the basis of current and forecast meteo-marine conditions for the sake of minimising fuel consumption along the routes (i.e. maximising time-to-arrival versus fuel consumption trade off function) and improving safety of navigation (i.e. avoiding severe weather conditions and associated risks).
Through a previous European FP7 project, COSMEMOS (COoperative Satellite navigation for MEteo-marine MOdelling and Services), the main innovative concepts have been proved by means of specific experiments. With PROFUMO we have to integrate the different components in order to assess the feasibility of the service, meant as the capability of providing a sustainable operational weather-routing service, exploiting the concepts previously tested. 

User Requirement Questionnaire

At the present step of the service development, Consorzio LaMMA is in charge to precisely assess the User-Requirements, through the cooperation of the future operational users as well as of the various potential stakeholders in a broad sense. 
The following is one of the questionnaires we have prepared to gather information from different users/stakeholders, that will be used to shape the service and what is behind.
If you can kindly spend some minutes of your time to fill the questionnaire, we’ll be very grateful to you, because this will help us to develop a service that will be profitable for your professional activities.
Thanks in advance for the help you will give us!

Contact information

If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to send an email to: 

More info

PROFUMO project on ESA website
Progetto PROFUMO (in italiano)