October 23, 2013  - 9:00/17:00
Port of Livorno, main hall of the ship  "Corsica Ferries-Mega Express Two" (Italy) 

COSMEMOS (COoperative Satellite navigation for MEteo-marine MOdelling and Services) is a two-years research and development project, co-funded by the European Commission, 7th Framework Programme, managed by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and led by the Company VITROCISET Belgium, which coordinates an international partnership of various expertises, supported by the LaMMA Consortium (Italy) for what concerns the coordination of the scientific activities.  COSMEMOS develops technology and services based on European satellite navigation signals (EGNOS, Galileo), to improve safety of maritime navigation and fuel savings

The Workshop - Innovation in meteorology for maritime navigation

The aim of the first COSMEMOS workshop is to discuss the adopted approaches and the initial scientific results of the project in a wider context of international experts. The workshop want to combine a deep attention to the different scientific issues wirh an active presence of professionals users, towards which comparing the capability of the project to fit main needs. Main topics discussed will be those of cooperative and GNSS-based observations, data assimilation into local meteo-marine models and weather ship-routing, looking at the present state of the art and at the most promising directions for future developments.


9:00/ Opening Session - Chairperson:  Alberto Ortolani

  Greetings from the hosting company.   Corsica Ferries
  Greetings from the organising company. Bernardo Gozzini  Consorzio LaMMA 
  Needs and target of ship companies: the vision of Corsica Ferries. Gabriele Luschi  Corsica Ferries
COSMEMOS: a GNSS-based prototype from observations to services. 
Alberto Ortolani
CNR - Consorzio LaMMA 

10:00/ Frontier observing solutions for atmospheric and sea-state assessment -  Chairperson: Torben Shueler

  GNSS meteorology from ships as moving platforms.  Torben Shueler University FAF Munich
A Bayesian approach for atmospheric sounding from GNSS signals.  
Andrea Antonini
Consorzio LaMMA
GNSS-R wave measurements: the Oceanpal instrument.  
Erwan Motte STARLAB Barcelona
  Smart solutions for data transmission from marine areas.  Giuseppe Vinni  ITSLab
The upcoming sensor network in North Tyrrenian and Ligurian sea waves and oceanography.
Carlo Brandini 
CNR - Consorzio LaMMA 

12:00/ Upgrading local forecasts by assimilating local data -  Chairperson:  Jordi Moré Pratdesaba

“Many a little, makes a mickle”:  the concept of cooperative data collection towards the data assimilation.
Riccardo Benedetti  Consorzio LaMMA  
Impact of local measurements in limited area forecasts.
Jordi Moré Pratdesaba 
Cataluna Weather Service
GNSS and radar data assimilation in mesoscale models. 
Thomas Schwitalla
Universität Hohenheim
13.00  Lunch break    

14:00/ Knowledge based tools for safety and cost reduction in marine activities - Chairperson: Dario Bruzzone

  Optimization of ship routes: meteorological navigation “by numerical process” . Andrea Orlandi  Consorzio LaMMA 
Review and state of the art of ship powering, energy efficiency and emissions control, technical problems and related international rules. 
Andrea Coraddu
University of  Genoa 
Added resistance in waves, computational techniques and impacts on fuel consumption.
Dario Bruzzone  University of Genoa 
Dangerous phenomena in adverse weather and sea conditions:  when stability criteria need to be supplemented by recommendations to the master.
 Alberto Francescutto
University of Trieste
Wave spectral data in ship weather routing.
Roberto Vettor
Centre for Marine Techn. & Engeneering , Lisbon
Algorithmic approaches for  optimal ship route planning.
Fabio Schoen 
Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Florence 
  Seakeeping analysis and decision support tools for ship operations. Alessandro Grasso RINA Services S.p.a.

16:30/ Workshop achievements and perspectives - Chairperson: Enrico Barro

 What we have learned today and what for COSMEMOS as a project and as a future service.
Fabio Riva VITROCISET Belgium
  Investing on Maritime Innovation through the European GNSS Programme Manuel Lopez-Martinez  GSA

A special venue 

The workshop will take place on board of the ship Corsica Ferries "Mega Express Two", being Forship company an official partner of the COSMEMOS project.  

The ship will be in the port of Livorno for operational services and refurnishment during the day of October 23. The main hall of the "Mega Express II" will be equipped for hosting the workshop and its participants  from 09:00 to 17:00.  

Reach the venue:

To reach Livorno port please  visit the link to find Corsica Ferries embarquement in port of Livorno

"MEGA EXPRESS TWO" will be at dock n. 62; when arrived in the ferry boats area, follow instructions for Sardinia/Corsica embarquement (“imbarco traghetti” o“imbarco corsica/sardegna”). Alongside parking will be made available for participants.

Workshop registration

Workshop participation is free but registration is requested.
To register for COSMEMOS workshop just send an email with your details to:  


Workshop Programme and project presentation 

Download the workshop programme in pdf.
Include also a brief presentation of COSMEMOS project.