Geological criticalities
Geological criticalities

Landslide assessment form

The form for the assessment of landslides is directed to the collection of information on the cause of  informazioni, riguardanti eventi causa di dissesti idrogeologici di vario genere, da parte del personale delle pubbliche Amministrazioni (Protezione civile, uffici Genio civile, Amministrazioni Provinciali, Autorità di Bacino, ecc…) ma anche di tecnici, liberi professionisti, ricercatori e studenti che svolgono il loro lavoro o studio nell’ambito della difesa del suolo e del rischio idrogeologico.
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Inventory of Italian Landslide Events (IFFI - Region of Tuscany)

The Inventory of Italian Landslide Events (IFFI) consists of a database on the management of every landslide found anywhere in Italy, useful for planning and prevention purposes. The Region of Tuscany has established an agreement with the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA, formerly APAT), the funding and supervisory body for the IFFI project, to populate the database for the areas it covers.
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Identification within the region of areas subject to solifluction events

Among the more superficial mass-erosion phenomena, solifluction affects large swathes of slopes to varying depths up to a maximum of two metres, in the parts that most easily becomes waterlogged. 
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AmianTos Project

The AmianTos project was created in response to a number of questions of public interest regarding the potential hazardousness of the release of fibres from certain types of rocks which, due to their chemical/mineralogical composition, can develop fibrous asbestos mineralisations, classified as dangerous for human health according to relevant current legislation. 
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Scheda rilevamento fenomeni franosi

La scheda rilevamento fenomeni franosi è finalizzata alla raccolta di informazioni, riguardanti eventi causa di dissesti idrogeologici di vario genere, da parte del personale delle pubbliche Amministrazioni (Protezione civile, uffici Genio civile, Amministrazioni Provinciali, Autorità di Bacino, ecc…) ma anche di tecnici, liberi professionisti, ricercatori e studenti che svolgono il loro lavoro o studio nell’ambito della difesa del suolo e del rischio idrogeologico.

Le informazioni raccolte andranno ad arricchire la mole di dati presente nella Banca dati frane e coperture di versante della Regione Toscana. Di particolare utilità saranno informazioni riguardanti nuovi eventi franosi o riattivazioni che potranno così essere datati e definiti riguardo alla tipologia di movimento, stato di attività e per tutto l’insieme degli aspetti che li caratterizzano.

La scheda è pensata per una speditiva raccolta, anche da parte di personale limitatamente esperto, di informazioni sul campo a seguito di un evento franoso, è comunque prevista la possibilità di inviare anche dati raccolti attraverso modalità diverse, come ad esempio quelli ottenuti da fotointerpretazione geomorfologica.

Le informazioni richieste nella scheda dovrebbero essere completate per quanto risulti possibile, la procedura online sarà comunque bloccata solo in mancanza di pochi dati obbligatori segnalati nella scheda stessa.

A riguardo preme sottolineare l’importanza della raccolta anche di informazioni di minor contenuto geologico-geomorfologico, come quelle relative alla localizzazione spazio temporale dell’evento che risultano ad un’analisi complessiva del quadro informativo di pari importanza rispetto alle informazioni di maggiore contenuto tecnico.

Per la raccolta dati  durante il sopralluogo si rende disponibile la scheda in formato pdf da stampare e compilare.

La scheda online invece, potrà essere utilizzata sia durante il sopralluogo (tramite tablet, netbook, palmari) sia, più agevolmente, a seguito del sopralluogo o dopo il lavoro di fotointerpretazione e consentirà di procedere all’invio al Sistema Informativo Territoriale Ambientale della Regione Toscana delle informazioni raccolte.


La Scheda è stata realizzata su iniziativa del Settore prevenzione del rischio idraulico e idrogeologico e del Sistema Informativo Territoriale Ambientale della Regione Toscana con il contributo del Consorzio LaMMA.



File Allegati – Scheda rilevamento fenomeni franosi in formato pdf

Servizi – Modulo online della scheda rilevamento fenomeni franosi


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Inventory of Italian Landslide Events (IFFI - Region of Tuscany)

The Inventory of Italian Landslide Events (IFFI) consists of a database on the management of every landslide found anywhere in Italy, useful for planning and prevention purposes. The Region of Tuscany has established an agreement with the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA, formerly APAT), the funding and supervisory body for the IFFI project, to populate the database for the areas it covers. The most recent update was completed in 2006, and included the integration of the landslides surveyed by the Region of Tuscany 1:10,000 geological database, in the "Ombrone" and "Tuscany Costa" basins. The number of slope failures currently catalogued in the database is 39,517.
The database is made up of the georeferenced maps of the landslide polygons, lines and points controlled both on the 1:10,000 regional technical map (Gauss-Boaga – Roma 40 coordinate system) and on the 1:25,000 topographic maps of the Italian military geographic institute (IGM) (UTM 32N– ED50 coordinate system), and of a database created using Microsoft Access, which contains detailed information on each landslide.
Use the links below to download the shapefiles and alphanumerical information sorted by province, the report with detailed statistics on phenomena surveyed, and the technical appendices for the project.
A 1:250,000 topographic map of landslides is also available in pdf format.

Appended file:  250K Landslide Map 

Alphanumeric database

The electronic factsheet is organised into three levels of detail the first of which (mandatory for all landslides mapped) contains information on the location, type of failure, state of activity, damage, etc., while the other two levels may contain more detailed information, available only for the better-studied landslides. The fields in the database with a yellow background are considered fundamental, and must be filled out in order to save this level and move on to the next one.

Instructions for downloading and installing the alphanumerical database:  
The alphanumerical database allows the user to save the file. The content of the file should be extracted to c:\program files\dbfrane. Then open the database in MS Access 2000 format (or previous versions) and upon start-up, enable macros.

Appended files (in italian):  IFFI database in ‘mdb’ format

Map database

This consists of a series of area, line and point shapefiles according to the form and size of the unstable mass. 
  • area files: these contain the landslide bodies with a minimum area of one hectare (nome = PR_fr_po where PR is the code for the province), the areas subject to widespread slope failures (nome = PR_ar_po), and deep-seated slope deformations (nome = PR_dgpv_po, only for Lucca and Massa) 
  • linear type: landslide phenomena in which the length is greater than the width, and the width is too small to be mapped (nome = PR_fr_li, only for Lucca and Massa) 
  • point type: this geometry is used for slope movements that cannot be faithfully reproduced on a map, due to the limited dimensions of the bodies. (nome = PR_iffi). In addition to "point" landslides, these files also identify the crowns of linear and polygonal landslides (PIFF – identification point of landslide phenomenon).


Instructions for downloading and installing the geographical database: 
For each province there is a file ( to download, which contains:

  1. The shapefiles available on a scale of 1:25000 or the more detailed scale of 1:10,000.
  2. The tables of the different IFFI levels (I-II-III) derived from the alphanumeric database, which can be linked to the point shapefile for the relevant province.
  3.  The file “tabelle_and_dizionari.doc.” (tables and dictionaries), which shows in detail the structure of the tables mentioned in point 2 above), and also contains the associated data dictionaries.
  4. Services: 
  5. Services:

Services. Index map for downloading 1:10,000 FFI vector data

Services: Index map for downloading 1:25,000 FFI vector data

The link tying together the alphanumeric and geographic databases is the ID_FRANA, a univocal ten-figure identity code: - The first three figures are the ISTAT code for the province in which the phenomenon is located. In case of phenomena extending into two neighbouring provinces, the PIFF location will be used. - Figures four to eight are a progressive number within the province. - The last two figures are generally 00, and constitute a sub-index, for use in the case of complex slope failures. In this case, the numbers 01, 02, 03, etc., will be used to identify different fact sheets regarding the same phenomenon.

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IndIdentification within the region of areas subject to solifluction events

Among the more superficial mass-erosion phenomena, solifluction affects large swathes of slopes to varying depths up to a maximum of two metres, in the parts that most easily becomes waterlogged.

The water penetrates through the dense network of cracks that open in the clay-rich slopes during the dry season due to loss of moisture and contraction. When the rains resume, the strongly hygroscopic nature of the clays makes large surface areas become very malleable, almost fluid, and they slowly slide down the slope, even on low gradients. The phenomenon takes place along surfaces subparallel to the slope, coinciding with both the stratification planes and those dividing the soil from the substrate. This difference in permeability between the soil, which is rendered quite permeable by the cracks and by agricultural processes, and the substrate beneath it, which is generally quite solid and compact, is the main factor in determining the most widespread solifluction phenomena in given specific morphological and climate conditions.

The following links give access to files regarding the work within the region to identify areas subject to solifluction events, and the report, which we recommend should be read carefully, on the products and procedures used.
Appended files - Report on solifluction areas
Appended files – Report in mdb and shapefile (75 Mb)

Appended files (in italian) - Report on solifluction areas

Appended files  (in italian) – Report in mdb and shapefile  (75 Mb)

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AmianTos Project


The AmianTos project was created in response to a number of questions of public interest regarding the potential hazardousness of the release of fibres from certain types of rocks which, due to their chemical/mineralogical composition, can develop fibrous asbestos mineralisations, classified as dangerous for human health according to relevant current legislation.
The AmianTos project was developed in 2010, and involved staff from the GeoTechnologies Centre and from the LaMMa consortium, with specific knowledge of Tuscany's ophiolite series, of territorial information systems and of geothematic relational databases, as well as analysts with specific experience of instrumentation for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of any asbestiferous minerals contained in the rocks.
The research performed aims to develop a preliminary identification tool for rocks potentially containing local concentrations of asbestiform minerals, and to formulate a standard operating procedure to describe the natural material and classify it in terms of hazardousness of fibre release. In order to achieve these objectives, the operating procedures were applied to a number of test sites in Tuscany, where the conditions in which outcrops occur and the lithologies found, deduced from the recently-compiled 1:10,000 Regional Geological Map, proved suitable for the study underway.
The main information contained in the AmianTos_DB is available for consultation through Google Earth, and is accessible using the ‘kmz’ file that can be downloaded via the following link.
Services - View the AmianTos Project database on Google Earth
Appended file: - AmianTos Project report
Appended file: - Database (mdb), geological key and manuals for use
Appended file: - Shapefile of BD_AmianTos 
Metadata (and contacts) - Metadata for BD_AmianTos

BANCA DATI: Le principali informazioni contenute nella BD_AMIANTOS sono state rese disponibili per la consultazione attraverso GoogleEarth e sono accessibili utilizzando il file ‘kmz’ scaricabile dal link seguente.

Servces - View the AmianTos Project database on Google Earth

Appended files- Database (mdb), geological key and manuals for use

Appended files- Shapefile of BD_AmianTos

Metadata (and contacts) - Metadata for BD_AmianTos

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