Level 1 Interactive soil map
Level 1 Interactive soil map

The level 1 map is the fruit of complex cross-checking to ensure that the boundaries of the 1:250,000 soil map carta suolicorrespond with those in the new 1:10,000 regional geological map.

Firstly, any discrepancies found were resolved, maintaining the more recent and accurate boundaries, an operation which allowed for greater geometric detail of soil information, and consistency of the information layer with all the others derived from the 1:10,000 geological map. Finally, each geological formation at the 1:10,000 scale was associated with the pedological content from the mapping units in the catalogue of soils at a scale of 1:250,000.

The use of this level is only intended for elaborations on a regional or provincial scale.

Those who wish to consult the map should send a request to the address below, indicating the geographical area of interest.
Contacts: manetti@lamma.rete.toscana.it